Reducing Waste Through Reuse

By Kyle Sollenberger

An ever-rising sea of waste has flooded our homes and workplaces. In the U.S. alone, more than 850 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are thrown away annually—equating to almost 1.4 billion trees. As a certified B Corporation, Passenger has made it a priority to seek out and implement ways in which we can reduce this burden on our environment.

Introducing Boox

Passenger has partnered with fellow B Corporation (status pending), Boox, in an effort to reduce the amount of waste we are creating. Each Boox is designed to be shipped, returned, and then reused over and over again resulting in a 75% reduction in environmental impact compared with single-use packaging.

How does it work?

  1. Qualifying Passenger orders arrive at your door in a reusable Boox.
  2. Inside, you’ll find a a QR code that you can scan with your mobile phone for return instructions and customized digital experience.
  3. Fold Boox flat, and drop your Boox at one of more than 6,000 return locations.
  4. The Boox team will sanitize and refurbish the Boox before sending it along to be used again (and again and again!).
  5. Upon successful return of your Boox, we’ll email you a discount code for use at

"The grand vision is to never throw a box away and never make a new one"

Matt Semellak, CEO Boox

While we hope you are excited about this change we are making with renewable packaging, we are even more excited about the prospect of our customers taking part in this closed loop process! You can expect to receive some Passenger Coffee & Tea orders in “booxes” starting this April. 

We will continue to seek out compostable, recycled, and renewable materials where reuse is not yet an option.
