Fresh Selections from Three Reserve Lot Legends

By Evan Howe

Our latest collection of Reserve Lot releases includes 2020 harvest selections from three legendary producers whose coffees have been shining stars of the Reserve Lot menu on multiple occasions in the past.

A coffee produced by Ciriaco Quispe, a member of the renowned Inambari Cooperative in Puno, Peru, was included on Passenger’s first offerings list when we launched as a coffee roasting company in May, 2014. Year after year since Ciriaco's auspicious debut, coffees from his farm have consistently delivered deep chocolatey sweetness, a plush mouthfeel, and fruit-driven acidity that is subtly complex and beautifully integrated. The latest installment, a highly nuanced selection from the 2020 harvest, is a testament to the incredible quality consistency that this remarkable producer has achieved, and it won’t last long!

At this stage, the legendary coffee-producing Moreno family of Santa Barbara, Honduras truly needs very little introduction. The seven Moreno brothers (Miguel, Mario, Jesus, Gerardo, Olvin, Mabel, and Danny) are all accomplished coffee producers, continuing the work begun by their father Daniel Moreno, a champion of specialty coffee production in the Santa Barbara region. While Passenger has featured a number of different coffees from this famous family over the years, we have most often selected lots produced by Mario Moreno. This 2020 pacas selection from his small farm El Guayabo, is a stunning representation of the region.

German Córdoba is a legendary name within the context of Passenger’s on-going partnership with a group of coffee producers from the tiny hamlet of Divino Niño in southern Huila, Colombia. In December, 2019 a coffee from his farm, La Morelia, was awarded first place in the inaugural Copa Suaceña, an annual competition organized to identify and recognize the finest single-farm microlots of the harvest. While he cultivates a number of different coffee varieties on his farm, Don German is especially proud of his red and yellow tabi trees. His competition winning submission in 2019 was a tabi lot, as is this elegantly complex selection from the 2020 harvest. 

Fresh Selections from Three Reserve Lot Legends