Reserve and Education Lot Additions: Exquisite Coffees from Africa

Reserve and Education Lot Additions: Exquisite Coffees from Africa

By Evan Howe

Passenger’s latest collection of Reserve and Education Lots offers a compelling exploration of the diverse flavors that can be found in coffees representing four of Africa’s most significant coffee-producing nations.
Three Competition Winners from the Cup of Excellence

Three Competition Winners from the Cup of Excellence

By Evan Howe

The Passenger green buying team secured limited volumes of three Cup of Excellence winning lots in 2021: two from the Colombia Cup of Excellence Auction that occurred on June 3rd, and one from the Honduras Cup of Excellence Auction that occurred on August 19th.
New Education Lots from Divino Niño and the Galápagos Islands

New Education Lots from Divino Niño and the Galápagos Islands

By Evan Howe

Passenger’s Education Lot menu was created as a home for coffees that highlight something of interest regarding plant genetics, unique microclimates, comparative or experimental explorations of processing, or coffee regions of historical significance.
Reserve Lot Additions from the 2021 Harvest

Reserve Lot Additions from the 2021 Harvest

By Evan Howe

Passenger has proudly worked with Montecarlos, and the Batres family, as one of our Foundational Partnerships for the past four years. With each annual harvest, we try to purchase special selections of two additional varieties from the farm, Pacamara and Gesha, that have become well-loved staples of the Reserve Lot menu.
Reserve Lot Stunners from the Archive: Marlenis Imbachi

Reserve Lot Stunners from the Archive: Marlenis Imbachi

By Evan Howe

When selecting coffees for our most recent collection of Reserve Lot releases, we thought it would be special to re-release two distinct 2018 harvests, the first two lots we purchased from Marlenis, to make it possible to taste them alongside the 2019 and 2020 harvest selections from her farm that are also currently featured on our menu. 
Fresh Selections from Three Reserve Lot Legends

Fresh Selections from Three Reserve Lot Legends

By Evan Howe

Our latest collection of Reserve Lot releases includes 2020 harvest selections from three legendary producers whose coffees have been shining stars of the Reserve Lot menu on multiple occasions in the past.